
Life is in motion, and so are you.

You are a very important part. It can be overwhelming when everything seems to stand still and you have no energy left. You feel tired, emotinal or nome and wonder how to regain balance.

A tense body, a pressing feeling on your chest, tense shoulders, stress, and/or feelings of anxiety can become too much for you. Sleepless nights, overloaded with worrying thoughts that just won't stop, don't make it any easier."

Welcome to Balanskompass, I am Veronica Kroon, an Integrative counselor, and I support you in finding your balance, so you can energetically enjoy the things that are important to you.

Through coaching, counseling & therapy in an integrative manner tailored to you and your specific situation, I guide you towards lasting change. You become aware of what you need, your direction (compass) to find your energy and balance. In contact with yourself and with others.

Would you like support and guidance now? Through my method of short-term sessions, I have no waiting lists longer than 3 weeks, unlike those within the conventional mental health care system.Together, we embark on a brief journey of about 6 sessions, so you can feel energized again and enjoy life. I understand that finding time to work on yourself can be difficult, but it's important for you. With peace and confidence, I am here to support.

Then the question arises: can a brief journey really make a difference, especially when you've been dealing with your issue for a while? This can be achieved by focusing on the core of the issue, creating awareness, gaining insights, and with support, you can address, resolve, and do what's necessary to feel good again.

What I often encounter in my practice:

  • anxiety
  • sadness
  • burned-out
  • insecurity
  • perfectionism and fear of failure
  • stress and responsibilities
  • feeling of loneliness
  • overthinking
  • shame, quilt
  • lack of energie, fatique
  • difficult-to-proces setbacks, events

The right time to relax is when you don't have time for it.

Brief journey:
In about 6 sessions on average, your thoughts, feelings, and physsical feeling as well as what's happening in your life, take center stage. Together, we will work on solutions for the challenges you face in your daily life. The session's content will be tailored to your specific situation. The goal of our collaboration is your autonomy, so you'll know how to proceed on your own.

We'll start with an initial intake session, which can be conducted online or in person at my practice. After the intake session, you decide whether to start the journey. It's important that you have confidence in the journey and our collaboration.